Hierbas del Mundo

Music style Alternative

Clear and precise sound hints with strong messages that awake the strongest emotions within you.

Alternative music was born on the early 80´s when the music was mostly of commercial or cult styles, either very simple or very sophisticated for most of the people. Alternative music merges concepts of those two kinds of sounds adding originality and friendly transgressions of music patterns, provoking strong desire to dance and sing.

Many styles converge in this kind of music; it is the expression of a society that unifies itself in the ordinary treasuring the diverse. This style of music gets us introspective while the rhythm pushes from the outside, making outer sensations join together with our inner emotions. 

Our AromaFog aromas will make the outer layer of your musical experience be overwhelm you, allowing your inner feelings to manifest to the maximum. Enjoy our selection of aromas and feel how well they match your Alternative Music collection!.

AromaFog: BergamottCinnamonCumarineFruitBombLavender LemongrasSyringa and AromaFog Rose.