Hierbas del Mundo

Laminaria digitata – Kelp

Laminaria is the latin name for Kelp, the collective name for all seaweed.

Laminaria Digitata is also called Brown Algae or Irish Seaweed and grows mainly on the Atlantic coastal strip.

Kelp – either Brown Algae is rich in minerals and trace elements such as iodine, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, silicon, iron, manganese, calcium, magnesium and also includes Vitamin A, C, B complex, K, E, carotene, fibres, carbohydrates and mucilage substances.

Properties: Kelp has antibacterial properties, increases energy levels, stimulates the metabolism, promotes and regulates the intestinal flora, promotes good blood circulation and helps in the building up our immune system.

Application: You can use kelp powder in all your favourite smoothies, shakes and juices. Stir daily 1 to 2 teaspoons of (3 to 5 grams) kelp powder into your preferred choice of juice, or stir into soup or a salad.

Note: Do not use if suffering from high blood pressure, as too high a dosage can cause accelerated heart rhythms. It can also affect the thyroid gland. Consult your doctor before use.