Hierbas del Mundo

Janet Flora essence

Janet Flora essence is based on the original Canadian Ojibwa Indians herbs mix.

This special herbal tea has powerful positive characteristics, helps and supports the immune system and has a strong detoxifying effect.

Instructions for Use: Take the Janet Flora Essence on an empty stomach, basic dose is 2 full tablespoons (30 ml) per day and you can build up slowly to the desired effect. The maximum daily dose is 120ml which should not be exceeded.

Preparation: Put 3 to 5 gram in a tea egg and leave to simmer for 10-12 min, use 3 cups of water and let this cook back to 2 full cups. Let the mixture stand for 12 hours minimum so that all substances from the herbs can be incorporated. Filter the Janet Flora Essence before use.

Herbal mix:

Rode Klaver – Red clover, flowers Trifolium rubri pratense
Gezegende distel – Blessed thistle, herb Cardui – Cnicus benedicti
Kelp Bruin Alg – Irish Seaweed, powder Laminaria digitata
Witte Waterkers – Waterkress, herb Rorippa nasturtium – aquaticum
Rabarber Chinees – Rhubarb, root Rhubarb palmatum
RodeIep – Slippery elm, bark Ulmi pubescent – Ulcus ruba
Schapenzuring – Sheep sorrel, herb Rumicis – Rumex acetosella
Grote Klis – Burdock, leaves Bardanse – Arctium lappa

Opinion: prepare the day before use, or create a multiple batch for e.g. one week. Keep refrigerated.