Hierbas del Mundo

Music style Rave

 rave was a kind of underground party, bohemian and wild for the time; it usually took place in remote or rural areas. Later, this phenomenon started to incorporate sets of lights and very powerful music equipment. Between the ’80s and’ 90s it became very popular, started to use permanent spaces and even massive stadiums. Today, raves are a wrapping experience that keeps people exalted and almost pushes them to euphoria. 

The electronic sounds are intermixing fast and energetically; sometimes softened by leaving a chord break to return to the madness of samplers, loops and whatever technology allows to increase the range of sonorities and rhythms. They take us to the delirium of a party shared in a robotic joy.

The Rave environment is a burst of people dancing and jumping frenetically; their dances are of street origin, personal and very free, without choreography. Rave places may have a secondary room, a chill out room, where a quieter rave is heard, what fans call Chill Out music. Rave is also the name of the crescendo at the end of a song, which becomes faster and more intense until it burst. And so is the rave attitude, a way to party. 

Our selected AromaFogs will intensify your sensations, emotions and energy by involving the sense of smell into the trance; smell awakens hidden and very deep parts of ourselves, the exact the same thing that we all look for when attending to raves. Odo7 have already used our AromaFogs in raves and mass shows all around the globe.

AromaFog: ChocolateLilac SyringaFruitBombStrawberry.