Hierbas del Mundo

Carica papaya – Papaya leaves

Carica papaya

The Papaya is also known as the tree melon due to the multitude of good properties it posses. The Indians of South America called the papaya ‘the fruit for a long life’.

The Papayas leaves contain substances with remarkable medical properties and are rich in antioxidants including the carotenes, vitamin C, minerals and flavonoids.

Papaya tea has a purifying influence on the human body and helps in the fight against stomach complaints; it improves the digestive system and reduces inflammation.

Papaya leaf tea has a bitter taste and can be softened with honey or may be mixed with other herbal teas. The flat dried leaf may also be used in salad.

Please Note: Papaya tea is not recommended for people with a thyroid disorder, pregnant women and women who are trying to conceive. Not suitable for small children.